
Monday 22 April 2024

A few things this month

My youngest daughter Stevie-Leigh turned 30

We all had a lovely meal out on Saturday night, It was a tad on the expensive side but lovely to all get together

I made this card for her on Moonpig, ordered the giant size, and it certainly was, lol

Jacob took part in his first march as part of the Squirrels
His Mum has joined as one of the leaders as they were under threat of closing down the group because of a lack of helpers.  They both look lovely in their uniforms.

There was a fantastic turn out from all the the various Scout and Guide groups, it was lovely to see them all walking together, and the weather behaved too.
Oliver is a Scout in a different division and they haven't done a march in a long time because of the lack of helpers, which is a real shame.

I bought a ticket to the Makings of a Murderer tour which went on sale in January, I missed it before Christmas so when I saw it was local again I made sure I got one right away.

I was really looking forward to seeing this last week, a talk from ex Detective David Swindale covering various high profile murderers.  I couldn't have been more disappointed!  
He didn't talk about anything that you couldn't have watched on tv for free!  
There was only one case that I didn't know about and there wasn't much information on that either.

I honestly don't know how this tour has lasted so long and has got so many good reviews because unless you have been living under a rock and not had any access to internet or tv you will know all about these cases, and he didn't say anything new about them.

By the time it came to the interval I'd had enough and made my escape.  The woman next to me said exactly the same when I spoke to her, so I don't think it was just me. 

So if you see this tour coming near you my advice would be to give it a miss.

I'm looking forward to another mini adventure on Friday, I'm going to Wonderwool Wales for the weekend.  I'm sure that will be a much better experience  😉



Lowcarb team member said...

Happy birthday to Stevie-Leigh, it's always lovely to get-together to celebrate family birthdays.

Lovely pictures from the Scouts and Guides parade, a beautiful smile from Jacob he looks great in his uniform.

Enjoy your trip to Wonderwool Wales.

All the best Jan

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter.

I wonder if Squirrels is the age group that we call Beavers here in Canada?

God bless.

Linda P said...

Belated birthday wishes to your daughter. I hope the Squirrels get more volunteer helpers. The trip to Wonderland Wales sounds good. Enjoy your day out Maggie.

Poppypatchwork said...

Our children and their children grow up so quickly, my daughters are older than yours, the years have gone so quickly. Love the card, I have a few of the photo cards from our grandsons, far too nice not to keep. It's a shame when a show you were so looking forward to seeing, disappoints.

Jo said...

Happy belated birthday to Stevie-Leigh, that birthday cake looks delicious. Glad you all had a good time celebrating, but yes, all these celebrations do add up, don't they. Jacob and Joanne look very smart in their uniforms. I always found that it was the same people offering their services for the various clubs and committees, most people are happy to take a back seat and let others do it all. It's such a shame because parents get something out of helping out too. The Makings of a Murderer sounds very disappointing. I love watching true crime on TV, I find it fascinating. Enjoy your time at Wonderwool.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Have a lovely time in Wales, I hope the weather is kind.

Carol said...

Hope your daughter had a lovely 30th birthday--that card you created is so cute! Nice to see the kids involved in scouting activities. My sons were, too, when little. It's sad to see the lack of help these days. Hope Wonderwool Wales is a fun experience. Looking forward to your report on it. Enjoy your day, Maggie! ♥

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Belated birthday wishes to Stevie-Leigh and I am glad that you all enjoyed getting together for the meal.
Jacob looks very happy to be taking part in his first march as a member of squirrels and how good that it was a dry sunny day for them. It must have been fun for Oliver as well if they haven't been able to march for a while.
Shame about the show especially when you had been looking forward to going. Have a good week x