
Thursday 23 May 2024

Book choices

Last months book club read was Middle England by Jonathan Coe, I managed to read about four chapters before giving up through boredom.  The group was split on opinions with three of us not enjoying, four really enjoying it and two thinking it was ok.   As a side note the gentleman in our group went to the same school as the Author and did say that his books aren't always very well researched.

This months book is The Stationery shop of Tehran.  As soon as these were given out we all commented that we had already read this as a book club previously.  The librarian looked very sheepish, hung her head but didn't comment.  We've seen the list of book club books and there are lots of titles on there so why have we ended up with a book we've already read!  Three of us said that we wouldn't be reading it again so that will make for an interesting discussion next month, (not).  So far this year I've only read two of the book choices, In one case I didn't have time but the others I just didn't get on with, and there are too many good books out there to waste time reading something you're not enjoying.

While I was there today I picked up my reserved copy of The Fury.  I've been on waiting list for this since January.  I read The Silent Patient by the same author last year and that was really good so I hope this one is worth the wait.

Have you read any of these? do you belong to a book club and how do you choose your books?  I must admit that I've considered quitting book club but I do enjoy talking about the books I've read and hearing about what the others are reading and I'd miss that.  I know you can't please everyone all the time, we all have our own opinions on what is a good read, but In the group I'm not on my own in thinking that the book choices are not always very good.



Margaret said...

I agree with you. There are too many books out there to persist with one you’re not enjoying. Joining a book club is one thing I hope to do. How did you find yours or did you start it yourself? Those two are new titles to me so I’ve added the. To my list.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do enjoy reading but I've never belonged to a book club.

All the best Jan

Jackie said...

I used to belong to a book club, but gave that up when the winters became to icy for me to be out and about.

I am afraid I am a bit strange when it comes to reading. I will finish a book I don't really like as I always hope it will get better. Sometimes it actually does. Most times not though.

God bless.

Debi said...

I actually just got home from my book club meeting. It's a group of friends I worked with. We used to chat about books and exchange them all the time until finally someone suggested that we start a book club. We take turns picking books and one year we tried planning out the whole year but we didn't like that as well. We meet at a restaurant for dinner and book discussion. The owner kindly allows us to stay as long as we like... tonight we were there for almost three hours! I agree that there are too many good books to read ones that don't interest you.

Linda P said...

I belonged to two book clubs, one held in the local library and another held in readers' homes. This was before the pandemic. I miss being a member of any kind of group. These days I would only go for the social aspect. I would listen to what folk had to say, but if a book didn't appeal to me I wouldn't read it. I haven't read any of the books mentioned.

Chris said...

We belong to our library book group and like you we wonder why some books are chosen to read. This year I've only read 2 because I really didn't like the others. I have read The Stationary Shop of Tehran and liked it. I like to discuss books like you, so we keep going.

Jo said...

I've never been a member of a book club. On one hand, I'm not sure I'd like someone choosing the books I read, but then on the other hand, I suppose it gets you out of choosing the same books time after time. It's a shame you haven't got on with the book choices lately, let's hope there's better to come.

Poppypatchwork said...

I agree with your statement, there are many great books, and I can see no reason to read a book you are not enjoying.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

I used to be in a very nice book group but couldn't stand reading books I had no interest in. I don't have enough time to read all the books i do want to read, so a book group is a no no for me.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

My love of reading has been rekindled this year but I haven't read any of those books.

Sandy said...

I'm not familiar with any of those books, but totally agree with you that there are too many good books to read one you're not enjoying. Sounds like the Liberian needs to up her game. I've never belonged to a book club and don't know if I would enjoy one. Reading is a solo activity; but maybe discussing a book isn't. Will have to give that some thought.