and have now been planted in tubs. They all have a fair bit of growing still to do, but this is them
Last year the slugs and snails feasted on them, i have to be careful what i put down to stop them nibbling because of my cats but a friend recommended egg shells because apparently they don't like or can't crawl over them, so that's what I've done this year and so far so good...bye bye beasties, lol.
It's a lovely day again here in the Midlands so Ive planted up some hanging baskets ready for our scorching summer, (yeah right!). It's still not warm enough to leave out all the time so they will be put in the shed every night until probably April is out at least.
I'm having one more go this year with tomatoes and if they don't happen this time i will give up, last year i think i was just too wet for them outside and i don't have a green house. I'm having a go with some peas too, it says 'patio peas' so I'm assuming they won't grow too big. This is how the rest of the garden looks at the moment.

Everything looks very green but the dandelions in the grass add a bit of colour! now these i can grow without even trying and they don't need any maintenance at all! there will be splashes of colour come the summer from plant too...i promise.
I have been stitching this week but I'm not going to post any photos this time as i only have Alla Turca and Grand ABC to show and you must be fed up with seeing those right now ,so I'll be showing my progress another time. I do want to say a BIG 'thank you' to Sandra though, she sent me some NN thread for my AT so at least i can carry on until my LNS has more in stock. Soibhan, thank you for passing on the message you got (you didn't say what her name was) but Sew & So was my first stop for the NN thread, they had been waiting for it for 3 weeks when i phoned but i may give them another call this week, thank you.
I've nothing else planned for today except to sit and stitch and watch Twilight, it came last week from the DVD club and i haven't got around to it. Wishing you all a lovely weekend whatever you are doing & thank you again for visiting me and leaving your comments, they are very much appreciated. Tara-a-bit x
Your garden is beautiful! Hostas are so great!
You have a beautiful garden, hostas are one of my favourites, the slugs got mine too last year but thanks for the egg shell tip, I'll try that one out. Enjoy Twilight, I recently read the whole series of books and thoroughly enjoyed them
Beautiful green lawn!! I love Hostas and used to grow them before we moved. Haven't seen them here in Texas, but if the deer don't like them, I may have to try to find some;) Thanks for reminding me of pieces of home:)
It's lovely to have some warm weather and get in the garden. We normally do ok with tomatoes but it was too wet last year. We even grow cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets!
Beautiful garden you have! Just bought a couple of hostas plants yesterday, i think the same colour as the one you did too. Thanks for the tip will surely try it and maybe to other plants too.
Beautiful garden. Thanks for the tip re: the hostas - will be giving that a go. The slimeys seem to think we've planted them as a snack bar just for them! LOL Outdoors tomatoes didn't do great anywhere last year - fingers crossed for this year. Hope you enjoyed the Twilight movie. :0)
I'm glad that you had some luck with the NN! :)
Love the hostas. I used to have a bunch of them in the US, they were huge by the time we moved. I hated leaving them! I am a bit hesitant to get them here now that you've said they attract slugs. I know we have slugs in Delaware, I just wasn't used to seeing them since I was a kid. Here, though--eek.
Enjoy Twilight. Yummm--Edward.
Hi Maggie,
Thanks for following my blog. I was able to find you and put you on blog roll list.
I love your yard! How I wish mine was green. It's coming, I know. Just not fast enough!
I'm thinking about making a handbag to give away on my blog to all those that follow me. I'm adding those that already have twice!
Thanks again. Nice to find you.
Your garden is so pretty and green! I love hostas and anything in a clay pot is awesome!
just found your blog and i love it. dont seem to come across many in the uk. we share the same age and zodiac sign. my bday is 23rd dec, when is yours? we had more snails in yorkshire last year than slugs. they drove me insane, so any tips most gratefully recieved. off to read more.
love kath
Your garden is very very beautiful. We always have many snails in our garden, too, and sometimes they eat nearly each and every new plant coming up. Maybe we should try the eggshell thing.
Hostas are so darn pretty! I have tons of them too. Your yard is just so lovely and green!
Maggie, If you put a circle of sand around the base of your pots of Hostas they won't get attacked by slugs and snails, as they can't crawl on it as it sticks to their slime. Make sure they are not positioned under bushes as they will drop of the bushes on to the plants.
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