Millie & Molly would like to send you all a BIG thank you for your lovely comments about their photos :-)
The calendar came into the shop on Friday and i went to pick one up straight after work
Introducing the calendar girl of 2011!
Introducing the calendar girl of 2011!
Apparently there were almost 200 photos entered in the competition, didn't she do well to get chosen! I can report that the fame hasn't turned her head one bit, she is still the same self assured Molly who gets her own way with everything :-)
The local paper that featured the competition are doing a follow-up on it so my mug shot will be in there in the next couple of week (I'm preparing myself for the comments from work about that!)
Last week i was in and out the house for one thing and another and couldn't settle into stitching except for finishing another LHN ornament.
This is Peppermint Twist made up into yet another puffy pillow (are you getting fed-up seeing this type of finishing yet!)
I left off the button, i didn't think it added anything to it.
While i was out and about last week a few things made it home with me. My LNS had this limited edition DMC box in, it's on sale with 40 threads included but Sharon said if i wanted the box she would knock off the price of the threads, how could i pass a chance like that!
Continuing with the bargain hunting, i came across this little box in a local department store
I've saved the best bargain until last, while i was collecting "the calendar" i spied this
Until next time x
What a beautiful cover girl! I like the pillow finish...I will be doing some of mine that wy because they are for a basket not the tree. I like the pattern.
That is so awesome that she made the cover!!!
Fabulous cover pic, she looks so elegant and beautiful
I love a pillow finish, i think its my favourite type of finish for an ornament
Brilliant bargains, i am a bit of a basket lover too, can't resist them in the charity shops when i see them LOL
Congrats on your photo win and you found some great stuff lately! I really DO have to pick up that Peppermint Twist pattern - everybody seems to have stitched it and I just keep on loving it. Great basket by the way!
Oooh she is a beautiful model! Love your Peppermint twist finish and what fab bargains! In answer to your question my fire is a coal effect gas fire - so no not real coal but it does the trick! Oh and I am loving the Alison Weir book - takes me an age to read a book these days but even so. x
Ooopsie, ignore the fire comment above - it was another Maggie who sent me that LOL! xx
Molly is beautiful on the cover. I can see why she won.
As for the basket --- it needs to be overflowing with vegetables and a big baguette. Oh yes, and a bottle of wine.
Molly looks gorgeous as the "cover cat" - so regal. Congrats. Love all your finishes and goodies. The market basket is wonderful.
Hi Maggie,
You have your very own supermodel
living with you now. I think that
you should have submitted that
photo of Millie in the Christmas
tree for this Calendar too. It
would have been the perfect photo
for December don't you think??
Of course you'll have to post a
copy of the newspaper follow-up
here on your blog so we can see
that as well. do have to.
Peppermint Twist looks great
finished into a puffy pillow.
There's nothing wrong with
puffy pillows. A Christmas
tree full of puffy pillows
would be a sight to see and
a joy to behold. :)
That DMC box is a nifty
thing to have. When I first
saw the picture of it I
thought that it was mounted
on the wall like a small
cupboard and thought "that's
neat". Then I read your
comment and realized that the
picture is sideways. Oh well.
It's still neat.
The white wooden box is cute
too and would be excellent
for storing all kinds of
stitching related stuff.
And that price just can't be
I love that basket too!!
It looks pink in the photo ...
is that the true color?? You'd
better not leave it out where
the cats will find it because
they'll most likely settle in
for a nap and you'll never get
them out again.
You have also won Mylene's giveaway.... Congratulations:) Do share it with Molly. She is a darling!!
Molly looks gorgeous on the cover and from the sounds of it fame hasn't gone to her head one bit!
I love your Peppermint Twist! I'm thinking I should start this one next. It grabbed my eye right away with that lovely red.
You could go "skipping through your LNS" with your basket on your arm!
The calendar is darling!
Doesn't Molly look gorgeous on the cover! Some lovely purchases and love your Peppermint Twist finish. I wasn't overly taken with the button either and put this one to one side but having seen your finish I can see that I'll be rethinking that.
Hi Maggie, have been away from the computer so I am catching up.
Miss Molly is just beautiful, of course she would win!!! was there any doubt!
Love the little pillow, the thread box and the basket. you did good!!!
LOL! I had the same thought about the basket as your daughter did. That said, I have a basket fetish so I understand the love! The thread box is wonderful, as is your finish! Congrats on the finish as well as to the calender girl. I'm glad she's not letting fame go to her head and demanding fresh catnip on a regular basis. ;)
Congratulations to Molly! She is a gorgeous cat, and she looks so soft.
I love all your finds! The thread box is gorgeous!
Peppermint Twist looks pretty, and I'm not tired of seeing this type of finishing. If it's your favorite way of doing things then that's the way you should do them!
WTG calendar girl. It really is a fab pic Maggie. Lovely ornie finish & some great bargains there too. :0)
Congratulations to Molly! Beautiful cover pic.
Peppermint Twist looks lovely, congrats on another ornament finish.
What a cover-girl, Molly looks stunning Maggie!
I need to go shopping with you those are great bargains you have found. Just love the boxes and basket.
Congrats on finishing Peppermint Twist it's such a pretty pillow.
Have a good week, take care. Hugs!
I love the DMC box and all your other goodies. The basket is just yummy.
Well just look at what I come back to in blogland. I know a famous cat! :-) Molly really is a super model. She and Milly are both just such beauties!
Your buys are really wonderful. We share something in common. I too love to use baskets for my shopping. So I will join you with my red cape and we can have fun searching for more bargains or just some yummy things to eat.
Hugs from Holland ~
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You :-)
Well done on your very own super model,great pic!
Well done, you sweet, little, purring friend! Enjoy the fame!
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