Hello! it's been a few weeks hasn't it.
I wanted to make an effort to finish the WIP's that were starting to multiply and make me feel overwhelmed, and I really don't want to start the new year with a lot of old projects.
So, here are a few things that I managed to get off the needles for Bonnie.
The WIP basket still has a blanket for the new Grand-baby and the baby nest I was knitting for Bonnie, I still want to finish this but it's such a lot of moss stitch, I have to be in the mood.
I've also been busy getting ready for Christmas, I've done the majority of my Christmas shopping :-) I know! how organised am I, lol Nothing has been wrapped yet but I do want to make a start on that this week, I don't enjoy the wrapping part so I will do a few each evening perhaps while watching a Christmas film :-)
And I opened one of my saving jars at the weekend. I was a bit reluctant to break it really because it's a pretty jar, but there is no option if you want to get to what is inside, and I was excited to see how much I'd got :-)
Ever since the start of the year I have only shopped for food with cash, not debit card, It really does make you shop better, and cheaper too. I put £60 in my purse each week on a Friday and whatever was left in there on the following Thursday went into this jar.
Ever since the start of the year I have only shopped for food with cash, not debit card, It really does make you shop better, and cheaper too. I put £60 in my purse each week on a Friday and whatever was left in there on the following Thursday went into this jar.
Wow, a nice haul!

Doesn't look quite so impressive in little piles
But, there was £412.50.....I'm very happy with that!
I will take some out to give Jenny and Joanne as they both have birthdays coming up and being close to Christmas they now have money so they can treat themselves. I haven't really got any plans for the rest as yet.
I'm definitely going to get another jar and do this again next year :-)
Last night was the last meeting of the year for our stitching group and I made a Baileys and malteser cheesecake and some Christmas spiced cupcakes.
(please excuse the blob of chocolate in the middle, it did not affect the taste!)
Unfortunately the stitching ladies didn't seem to like Baileys or Christmas spiced cupcakes too much :-(
I've taken what was left into the office and the lads are currently trying to decide what is an appropriate time to dig in, lol
Being December 1st tomorrow our Christmas decorations will come down from the loft so I will have a busy (but nice) afternoon. Saturday I have some stitching finishing to do, and it is also Joanne's 30th birthday. Sunday I'm going for afternoon tea with the girls, my treat to celebrate both their birthdays, (Jenny's is on December 22nd), so a busy weekend with a busy week to follow too as I have a few more things going on.
I do want to try and pop back before next weekend and share some Christmas stitching I've been doing, but for now I hope you are all having a lovely time and getting into the Christmas spirit :-)
Wow, you did well with the savings. I might try that next year, if fact I think I will. I haven't got many unfinished projects so I alright there. Love the little stripy cardigan, what yarn is that? The cakes look yummy
Julie xxxxxxx
Awww, I love all the little cardis, they're so cute, I do wish I had a baby to knit for. What a shame you had to break the savings pot but you've done so well. We do the same thing, saving the leftovers from each weekly budget, I won't know how much we managed to save in that though as I've dipped into it when I've been to yarn shows. I did open a tin that had some savings in though, it was sealed so we had to get a tin opener to it. It's been on the go for a couple of years and we just put bits and bobs in it as and when. I knew there were some old notes and £1 coins which are now out of circulation in there so it was a case of having to open it really, there was £312 so I think we're going to use that for a weekend away. All your baking looks delicious, I certainly wouldn't have turned my nose up at it, I'm sure the leftovers will be appreciated today. Enjoy your afternoon tea on Sunday, I hope Joanne has a lovely birthday.
You’ve been very busy, so many cute little cardigans, I’d love to see the nest too. Your cake and cupcakes look amazing, Baileys and maltezers, my husbands 2 favourites! I’m ready to start wrapping next week too, trying to be organised this year. Enjoy your girls birthday celebrations xx
Clever way to save each week without missing a penny.
Love those cardigans,There wouldn't of been any Bailey's cheesecake left if Pat and I had been able to go, drat...note to self don't miss any stitchy group meetings again.
Sweet cardigans.
Your baking looks very lovely.
Those sweaters are incredible! I never got the skill and love of knitting from my mom, but those are amazing! Your Baileys cake also looks amazing. I can assure you I would not have let that get by me without a taste... or two.
Very impressive savings and a great selection of knitting. I think I would have managed some of the Baileys cake :)
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