
Saturday 26 October 2019

We all made it through the rain and floods

The rain continued this morning making for some scary moments on the roads leading to the Nimble Thimble.  The main roads were fine but once you got onto the lanes there were some pretty big floods to negotiate.  
Wales is a series of hills and valleys and so when it rains to the extent that we have had over the last couple of days of course the water runs down the hills and fields faster than the drains can cope with and there is no where for it to go, so you end up with these mini lakes in the roads.

I had to turn around at one coming back this afternoon (not this one) because is was just too deep to drive through.  It must be terrible for the people who live near to where it floods like this, it must take weeks to drain off, especially this time of year.

Thankfully everyone managed to get to and from the meet up without any mishaps.

I've probably shown these same photos before from previous meet-ups so I apologise for the sameness.

Chris always decorates the shop for Halloween

She specializes in American charts and also stocks a lot of Shepherds Bush and The Drawn Thread.
As I have bought quite a few charts recently I went with the intention of buying threads to kit up a few charts that are already in my stash, but of course, it's inevitable that you will come across at least a couple of charts that will just have to come home with you :-)

Isn't that snowman cute!?  He was a last minute find (by Mouse), just as I was going to pay for my things, well I couldn't leave him could I? :-)

My selection of over-dyed threads

Suzannah, by Carriage House Samplings came on the outing with me today, she hasn't seen the light of day in quite a few months.  I got some more done on her right arm and started on her skirt.

When I got back to the hotel the rain had cleared so I went for a walk, I needed to stretch my legs seeing as I'd been sat on my bum all day :-)   The river drew me again, I think I've said before that although water, as in rivers and the sea scare me I am fascinated to watch it, from a safe distance.

I don't think I would fancy living in that white house with the river like it is at the moment!  It's up quite a few feet to what it usually is

I wanted to show you how fast the river was running so made this little video, if you look closely at the beginning you can just make out the heron hiding in the trees on the far side.

This is my first attempt at a video, it's not brilliant but you get the idea

You can view the video on here, but is better if you click to watch it on You Tube.

I've got another day here tomorrow, hopefully the rain will keep off long enough for me to go for a walk along the canal.

See you soon


Gill - That British Woman said...

you have had a lot of rain, love the cross stitch kits you brought.

MartinaM said...

Oh, to live so close to the river, on the one hand, certainly beautiful, but if it overflows and floods, it can also be dangerous very quickly.
Nice that you have come to the store, you have made great purchases.
lg Martina

Poppypatchwork said...

We are lucky here in South East England, we don't have as much rain as elsewhere, hope you enjoy your weekend.

Sue in Suffolk said...

That's a LOT of water.
Should be fine today I think

butterfly said...

That was a scary river , we have a few by us be careful They can burst their banks so quick.
We were in Newton Abbot when the river burst and it was so quick .
The water was almost up to a door , we were lucky but some were not we got out just in time then the whole area was flooded.
Great stash hope you had a wonderful time ,and you enjoyed your weekend.

jane said...

Your river video was wonderful. The sound of it must have been incredible! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Best, Jane x

Tina said...

Wow that river, the road back wasn't too bad apart from one part, lots more traffic than usual but much better than the journey there, have a good day today xx

Jo said...

Goodness, those roads must be treacherous in winter. The river certainly was flowing fast. I'm glad that everyone made it there safely and that you all had a good day. The charts you bought are lovely, I look forward to seeing them stitched up.

Jackie said...

Quite the flooding going on. I hope that there is no more rain so you can get back home safely.

Enjoy your get together, and I love the kits you picked up.

God bless.

Purple Pixie Dust said...

I saw the heron on the other bank, he was in a safe place, you did scare a few ducks but they can swim so no harm, I would not want to live in that white house. It could go at anytime the river got up higher. Thanks for the video. I liked the stocking with the name Brett on it. That's my son-in-law's name. Love the colours of the threads you got. Hope it stops raining and you arrive home safe. Have a great week. big hugs

Lowcarb team member said...

So much rain …
I do like the items you bought.

All the best Jan

Carol said...

Oh, my! That IS a lot of rain... We've had such a dry fall here and really need more rain. Love the new charts and threads you purchased, Maggie. I went to a real-life cross stitch shop last week for the first time in years and it felt heavenly :)