Wednesday marked the half way point in the year, and what a strange year 2020 has been so far.
Who would have dreamt at the start of the year that half of the worlds population would been asked to stay at home and put on lockdown to save lives. At times it all seems so unreal, thankfully everyone I know has stayed safe and healthy, I don't personally know anyone who has had Covid19 although you have only to watch the daily updates to know that it is indeed real.
We can only hope that the situation continues to improve and that the next six months will be better.
Like a lot of others I'm still not venturing out too far, I still only go food shopping when I need to, and try to go when I think It will be less busy, I do get nervous when there are too many people about and have come across people who seem to have trouble with keeping their distance.
In a shop this week a lady asked if she could squeeze past me, I said no, we are supposed to keep a distance, she gave me a look and said, well I've got a mask on! That's why I don't wear a mask, or gloves, to me they give a false sense of security. I've lost count of the times I've seen people with gloves on but still touching their face, (or in one case, pulling them off with their teeth!!) or a mask pulled down on their chin so they can speak! I have nothing against masks or gloves and would definitely use both if I had to use public transport but I'm more aware without them.
Anyway, doom and gloom aside, all this time at home has given me more time to do all the crafty things. Last week I finished my July Calendar Girl. I still love these girls, I think so far January and April are my favourite
These are all my finishes in the first six months of 2020.
Loved making these rainbows, and I used up a lot of my little scraps of yarn in the process.
Mine is still hanging on the front door
I've enjoyed all my stitching this year, but I especially enjoyed stitching that cute snowman

I didn't think I'd done much knitting until I went though my photos. Can you have too many dishcloths do you think 😉
I'm joining in with Jolly July this year, stitching Christmas charts throughout the month. I made a very small start on Jacobs stocking yesterday and have chosen ornaments to stitch for the grand-kids. Apologies to those who don't like to speak about Christmas until December but most of my posts in July will be Christmas related 🎅🎄🎅
Still no news on the job situation. I was called into another meeting on Monday, a very short meeting in which I was told I would get a call within 48 hours with the outcome. I thought that was it, I came home and was really upset for the rest of the day. But there was no call until today and that was to say that there is a board meeting tomorrow and the final decision will be made then. I know they usually have the board meetings in the mornings, so hopefully around lunch time they will let me know, I hate being in limbo.
See you soon, take care
Your stitching is beautiful! Your comment about never having too many dishcloths made me laugh. I make them when we are traveling because they are easy to do in the car and don't require much concentration... needless to say, I will never run out of dishcloths!
Your stitching is beautiful! Your comment about never having too many dishcloths made me laugh. I make them when we are traveling because they are easy to do in the car and don't require much concentration... needless to say, I will never run out of dishcloths!
You have been busy Maggie with all the wonderful work you have created this last year .
Best wishes with your job .
I was thinking about starting a few Christmas gifts soon.
It's never to early .
Have a good day.
The company you work for will be following all the rules on how to make people redundant, but it does take time even after they tell you your name is on the list. I was in your position twice, the first time it just dragged on, I asked my boss just to tell me quickly and I would go, but he had to follow rules and time lines, the second time I was at the end of a years contract so I knew all along I was going. BUT it's a horrible time which drags on forever, I do hope you get some answers soon.
You have been very busy with your crafting, I have not touched my cross stitch for years, maybe after I have finished my lap blanket, I should pull some cross stitch out.
I love all your stitching projects they are all lovely but I think my favourite is the weathered garden. I am with you on the gloves and masks issue, I don't see the point of gloves at all and it's rare that you see someone wearing a mask correctly, they touch and fiddle with them so are defeating the purpose, like you I will wear one if I need to take public transport. Its good to start Christmas stuff early it helps prevent the madness of trying to get everything done at the last minute. I hope the work situation brings a positive outcome my fingers are crossed for you. xx
Such a lot of progress. Yes, dishcloths are an easy car project for me and we can always use them.
These are frustrating times for sure. Like you I have ventured out hardly at all. Grocery shopping and the post office. Met a friend for a socially distant lunch in the park. We each packed our lunches and sat at opposite ends of the picnic table. I have to just scratch my head at the people who don't know how to use masks or refuse to. It is such a little thing to do. I fear if we were every to have a war on our soil, we we be lost. Too many entitled people that think they should be allowed to do what they want. And don't get me started on the people that can't even follow the arrows on the grocery store floors directing us to one way use of the aisles. Sorry for the rant. I am doing my part and some days I get frustrated with other. Feel free not to publish......but know you are not alone.
Wow, you've finished so many projects and all gorgeous. You put me to shame. I haven't picked up my knitting in weeks. I must get back to it.
You have been busy with your crafts, and if I had to choose a favourite calendar girl it would be April … having said that they are all very nice.
This year certainly has been a strange one and with pubs etc. opening this weekend (Eddie and I will not be going to one) I will not be surprised if we hear that Covid 19 cases rise … time will tell.
I do hope you get some answers soon about your job.
My good wishes.
All the best Jan
You have had a busy June. Love the finish on the calendar girl.
God bless.
Yes, it's a crazy and difficult year. But that's life, you never know what's coming.
I hope that we can all get out of this whole situation well and that we can lead a reasonably normal life again.
Many beautiful works have been created for you.
I keep my fingers crossed for your work and wish you everything will be fine.
I love those cross months, they are so pretty.. I haven't done any cross stitch since I broke my arm as it was causing me too much discomfort, but have done loads of crochet and knitting, even did some face cloths and I thought them too pretty to use, so just a decoration with some soaps tied up with a pretty ribbon in a basket in the bathroom. Hope all goes well with the job situation, I was in the same place, when some teachers were to be made redundant. I went into that office expecting the worse, as I was the oldest teacher there.. but not me I was to stay. Whew what a relief, but the head said to me later he wasn't going to let me go as I played the piano! I wasn't impressed but with a mortgage to pay I smiled and plonked away the next day in Assembly.
Great stitching and knitting-those rainbows are super adorable! I hear you on the jobs--my son and his girlfriend both lost their jobs. This is a hard time.
May I ask where you got the month cross stitch patterns? Love them!
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