
Saturday 18 May 2024

What a difference a week makes

I've spent the day in the garden, everything had shot up so much in just a week, It was crazy.

I put some grass seed down on the lawn closest to the house the week before I went away, I was starting to think It wasn't going to take, but goodness, It had sprouted so much and Is so green!   

My potatoes, which looked like this when I went away....

Now look like this..

Strawberries and a pot of mixed flowers before..

And a week later

My alliums were just starting to come out when I went away, now they have popped out all over.

 Other things are doing really well too

My Hosta is doing really well this year.  I've had to move it today as we couldn't open the conservatory door, this beast is about 5 feet across, and possibly my favourite thing in the garden.

No roses yet but there are plenty of buds so hopefully soon.
My little wildlife pond has filled out nicely, no frogs yet though, which I'm surprised about because we have always had the odd frog or two hopping around the garden.  I've noticed the birds and the squirrels dipping in for a drink though, so perhaps frogs will find their way soon.

Peas, courgettes, peppers and tomatoes are all growing well, not sure the aubergines will produce anything.  I made a rookie error and planted too many seeds for everything and haven't got room to plant them all so will probably offer some up on our streets WhatsApp group, It would be a shame for them to go to waste.

My laptop has the black screen of death, It worked perfectly fine all last week so not sure whats going on, so I had to dig my old laptop out, nothing the matter with the old one except that It's rather slow, It takes about 20 minutes to fire up, once it's going it's ok, 
(a bit like me really 😃😃)  I'll take it in to be looked at next week and fingers crossed it can be fixed.

Have a lovely weekend



Margaret said...

Your garden looks beautiful. Thanks for the glimpse. I am envious of the squirrels. We went for a walk in the churchyard next door at twilight and I hoped to see a squirrel but no success.

Chris said...

What a lovely garden to come home to, everything looks really healthy.

Lowcarb team member said...

Everything in your garden is growing well.
Your Hosta looks amazing.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

All the best Jan

Jackie said...

Your garden is growing by leaps and bounds. Everything looks so lovely.

God bless.

Debi said...

Wow! Things are really growing in your neck of the woods!

Poppypatchwork said...

Your flowers are all further ahead than mine, but we have had such a wet and dull spring, my garden will catch up. Your veg is looking great, it fun to grow things which look after themselves.

Hena Tayeb said...

Your garden is beautiful.