Last week was half term here and as Joanne was at work I looked after Bonnie and arranged for us to do a few activities during the week. On Tuesday we had a day out to Blist Hill Ironbridge Gorge museums. Blist Hill is a Victorian Town living museum, similar to The Blackcounty living museum I've blogged about before Here. I think I preferred it, there were people in each of the shops and all were friendly and very knowledgeable about the era.
On Thursday I managed to get us tickets for the pantomime, Snow White, at the local Town Hall. Panto's usually happen around Christmas time and into January but I think this one, which raises money for a local hospise, usually happens at the February half term, we were at the last show. As you can see from the last photo we ended up with balcony seats, it's not a huge venue so that's not really a problem, and Bonnie could see because there were children in front of her seat, but, I had a giant of a woman in front of me! This is the view I had of the stage if I sat straight in my chair, yeah, not good, I spent the whole time leaning towards Bonnie's chair so I could see.
On Friday I took Bonnie and Arty to a local garden centre where they decorated a teracotta pot in which they then planted some sunflower seeds. Arty was so pleased with his, of course he had to draw a slug and a worm on there too, ha ha.
At last the wind has died down and the rain stopped, there has been flooding in both Ironbridge and Bewdley. I love visiting Bewdley and feel terrible for the residents on the river, the flood barriers on the one side were not enough to stop the water and yet again their houses were flooded.
Image taken from google